Cambridge Pre-Us

Facts about Pre-U: who they are for, subjects, what's involved in taking one, and assessment and grades.

Career goals: Lawyer

Oxford graduate Anke takes the stand to testify on what the life of a lawyer is really like.

Career Goals: Playwright/Theatre director

How do you turn a passion for words into a career? London playwright and theatre director Lynette did just that, after finding inspiration from one author while studying English at university.


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Discovery exhibitor zone

The Exhibitor Zone contains everything you need when exhibiting at UCAS Discovery events - including the latest updates, handy guides, event-specific information pages, marketing assets and more.

FAQs for international students

Thinking about postgraduate study in the UK can give international students a lot to consider. To help, here are answers to the most common questions.

Filling in your UCAS Undergraduate application

Don’t leave applying until the last minute as there’s quite a bit to do – but you don’t need to complete the application all at once. Read our advice below to help you through the application process, step by step.

Gap years

Gap years can be used to enhance your CV, travel, learn new skills, and much more. Find out more and get some inspiration here.