Scottish Vocational Qualifications

Find out what's involved in studying Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), the range of job sectors available, and how long they take to complete.

Sending exam results

We receive many results from the exam boards that grade your exams – these are listed below. If yours isn't there, you need to send results to your unis, colleges, or conservatoires.

Speech and language therapist

Speech and language therapists play a crucial role in enabling people to communicate – enhancing people's lives and transforming their relationships.

Study skills guides

We've produced a series of study skills guides to help you successfully make the transition to higher education.

T Levels

Facts about T Levels: what's involved in studying them, how they are assessed, and how long they take to complete.

The results process

What happens, when, and what your students need to do to avoid delays to their application.